The Weapons of Our Warfare - God's Arsenal for Victorious Living

We all have struggles in our daily lives, and more often than not, those struggles involve our relationships or interactions with others. While I will agree that there is not a magic formula to living life without struggles, we do need to have an intimate understanding of the tools that God has provided to us for complete victory in Christ.
2 Corinthians 10:4 states that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds. Our ability to overcome any battle in life comes only from God. The Apostle Paul wrote in Romans chapter 7 that there is a war that rages between the flesh and the spirit. We do not war after the flesh but against what influences the flesh.
When we walk according to the flesh, the end result always brings destruction in ourselves and to those around us. When we walk according to the spirit, we are built up in Christ and we draw others to Christ as well. When we utilize our God given weapons of warfare, as written
about in this book, the enemy strongholds are destroyed and God gets the glory.
The simplicity of this book will open your understanding to the truth of God’s Word. This book will guide you through the Word of God to unlock His truth to living in complete victory over the sin that rages within and around you. Remember, God is the source of victory and my prayer is that as you read this book, your life of struggles will be changed to a life of complete victory in Christ.
2 Corinthians 10:4 states that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds. Our ability to overcome any battle in life comes only from God. The Apostle Paul wrote in Romans chapter 7 that there is a war that rages between the flesh and the spirit. We do not war after the flesh but against what influences the flesh.
When we walk according to the flesh, the end result always brings destruction in ourselves and to those around us. When we walk according to the spirit, we are built up in Christ and we draw others to Christ as well. When we utilize our God given weapons of warfare, as written
about in this book, the enemy strongholds are destroyed and God gets the glory.
The simplicity of this book will open your understanding to the truth of God’s Word. This book will guide you through the Word of God to unlock His truth to living in complete victory over the sin that rages within and around you. Remember, God is the source of victory and my prayer is that as you read this book, your life of struggles will be changed to a life of complete victory in Christ.